Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Awkward Family Photos

SoHo Street Art

Some street are I saw on in SoHo. I have to go hunting for more.

Summer Plans

So for the past 3 weeks I have been working at an apparel company as a design intern for seamless apparel (mainly sports bras). It's been interesting. I definatly figured out that I would rather be in product research and development. From my education in textiles and apparel I can't just "dream up a new design", I rather design effeciently. For example in seamless knitwear it is important to consider not putting decorative knit stitiches where the garment is being shaped. Apparently those that are currently designing for these products don't consider that and leave it up to the technicians. Anyhoo, this was my welcome on my computer tower. More posts to come all about NYC.

Awesome Textile Patterns

Textile Structured Furniture